Welcome to Postpartum Meals! To ensure a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone, we ask that you follow our content rules outlined below.
General Guidelines
Please adhere to the following general rules when engaging with our platform:
- Respect others and engage in positive, constructive discussions.
- Do not post harmful or offensive content that may cause distress.
- Refrain from sharing spam, ads, or irrelevant links.
Prohibited Content
The following content is strictly prohibited:
- Hate speech or any content that promotes discrimination based on race, religion, gender, etc.
- Sexually explicit material, including inappropriate images or language.
- Content that promotes illegal activities or encourages harm to others.
Privacy and Safety
We care about your privacy and safety. Please refrain from sharing sensitive personal information (like addresses, phone numbers, etc.) publicly on our platform.
How We Handle Violations
If you violate these content rules, we may take the following actions:
- Warning: A reminder of our community guidelines.
- Temporary Suspension: A brief time-out from using our services.
- Permanent Ban: A complete removal of your access to the platform.
Your Responsibilities
As a member of our community, you are responsible for your own actions. Please make sure to comply with the content rules to help us maintain a welcoming and safe space for everyone.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our content rules or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].